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- International students
Bogdan Miu
Licence 3 en Biologie-Santé
Université de Bucarest, Roumanie
1er semestre 2018-2019 à la faculté des sciences et technologie
Les cours sont très bien préparés, il y a beaucoup de facilités pour l'apprentissage (la bibliothèque et les cours en ligne), l'emploi du temps est en concordance avec les besoins des étudiants et les modalités d'évaluation sont objectives et pertinentes. Je pense qu’il n'était pas très compliqué de m'intégrer. Je m'entendais bien avec mes collègues du groupe et j'ai réussi à mieux les connaître grâce au travail d'équipe que nous devions faire à l'université. J'ai rencontré aussi d'autres étudiants Erasmus. Je reste en contact avec certains de mes collègues.
Université de Bucarest, Roumanie
1er semestre 2018-2019 à la faculté des sciences et technologie
Les cours sont très bien préparés, il y a beaucoup de facilités pour l'apprentissage (la bibliothèque et les cours en ligne), l'emploi du temps est en concordance avec les besoins des étudiants et les modalités d'évaluation sont objectives et pertinentes. Je pense qu’il n'était pas très compliqué de m'intégrer. Je m'entendais bien avec mes collègues du groupe et j'ai réussi à mieux les connaître grâce au travail d'équipe que nous devions faire à l'université. J'ai rencontré aussi d'autres étudiants Erasmus. Je reste en contact avec certains de mes collègues.
Effimia Valavani
3rd year of Bsc in Chemistry
Artistotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Winter Semester 2018-2019 at UPEC Faculty of sciences and technology
I would definitely recommend to students to come to Paris and UPEC. Paris is such an amazing city and it gives you so many opportunities, I really love it. UPEC is a very good university with amazing teachers and it’s very organized. The general level was high, the teachers were really good and the laboratories were very well equipped. I had the chance to learn many things this semester.
The integration was very easy, everyone was welcoming us and they were very helpful and friendly, so it took me very little time to get used to the way of life.
Artistotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Winter Semester 2018-2019 at UPEC Faculty of sciences and technology
I would definitely recommend to students to come to Paris and UPEC. Paris is such an amazing city and it gives you so many opportunities, I really love it. UPEC is a very good university with amazing teachers and it’s very organized. The general level was high, the teachers were really good and the laboratories were very well equipped. I had the chance to learn many things this semester.
The integration was very easy, everyone was welcoming us and they were very helpful and friendly, so it took me very little time to get used to the way of life.
Salvador Priego Poyato
3rd year of Bsc in Chemistry-Biology
University of Sevilla, Spain
Winter Semester 2018-2019
It has been easy to integrate due to the several activities programmed by the EIAP and the size of the city, which allows you to meet a lot of people during the first weeks and so finding someone who you really feel comfortable to be with.
University of Sevilla, Spain
Winter Semester 2018-2019
It has been easy to integrate due to the several activities programmed by the EIAP and the size of the city, which allows you to meet a lot of people during the first weeks and so finding someone who you really feel comfortable to be with.
Fernando Gonzalez
3rd year of Bsc in Engineering Sciences
University Jaume I, Spain
Winter Semester 2017-2018
My experience was good, I have learned the language a lot and I have made a lot of friends from different cultures. The prices are higher than Spain, people are a bit different from Spain but they are nice. Language is so interesting
University Jaume I, Spain
Winter Semester 2017-2018
My experience was good, I have learned the language a lot and I have made a lot of friends from different cultures. The prices are higher than Spain, people are a bit different from Spain but they are nice. Language is so interesting
Modise Tsholofelo
Master in Engineering Sciences
Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa
Winter Semester 2017-2018
Between UPEC personnel and the assigned student mentor, it was easy to get information and help regarding administrative and practical issues. Most of the important information was shared in advance. I would recommend all the students to make most of the experience and take advantage of the resources placed forth.
Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa
Winter Semester 2017-2018
Between UPEC personnel and the assigned student mentor, it was easy to get information and help regarding administrative and practical issues. Most of the important information was shared in advance. I would recommend all the students to make most of the experience and take advantage of the resources placed forth.
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